Monday, December 17, 2012

Batman in Arkham City part 3

The last chapter finished with the following :

Got it I will silently take down the two snipers dive bomb and take out as many as possible NOOO!!! That sucks! Two Face will shoot Catwoman!!! Ok got it I need to get Two Face down first drop a smoke bomb jump to the roof get the snipers take them down the defeat all the people on the ground save catwoman and leave. Thats a great plan lets see if it can be put into action.

Now :

All I can hear is the thugs laughing at me as I am lying on the ground with blood coming out of my mouth. I can not give up but if the thugs see me even do as much as flinch I will be shot down. I shall drop an extra large smoke pellet , so far so good and then grapple onto the roof awesome Nobody can see me so first I am going to silently take down the first sniper tip , toe , tip , toe , tip , toe. Batman has the guard by his neck and Click!!! He is down. Now I need to get to the other side of the roof to get the other sniper. Hmmm what do we do now thinks Batman. But at that moment Bame walked with a request of Batman. In these exact words he said I will destroy all the thugs in here if you help me. I will also help Catwoman and give back to you if you retrieve all titan give it to me. As you can see I am on my last limb. Batman said ok So Bane stomped on everyone and then got Catwoman for Batman. And two - face well he ran away knowing that two guns and a coin that has two heads on it aren't going to stop Bane.

So Catwoman and Batman set off to find the titan while Bane took care of the snipers.
To be continued!!!


  1. Awesome Brody!
    I like this chapter and I think its the best.
    Well done:)

  2. Awesome writing Brody!
    I like the part where it says that the guards will shoot you if you flinched.
    From your friend Kazzie :c)
